Friday, November 4, 2011

Speed up your PC/Laptop ( Boot Faster )


There are few basic ( Manual ) tips to make your PC/laptop run faster.
Follow all the steps given below one after another

First Step :

Click on Start button
Click on Run or under START TYPE HERE type the command "%temp%" without quotes (")
Click OK
A Window will pop-up ( Temporary folder )
Click on Edit from Menu bar and click Select All ( or short cut method to select all the files is Press CRTL + A
Press Shift + Del key to delete the files
Few files may not get deleted so skip those files as you can delete them later

( The files and folder listed in the folder will not harm any data/document/files on your PC as they are just temporary files and can be deleted )

Second Step :

Click on Start button
Click on Run or under START TYPE HERE type the command "prefetch" without quotes (")
Click OK
A Window will pop-up ( Prefetch Folder )
Click on Edit from Menu bar and click Select All ( or short cut method to select all the files is Press CRTL + A
Press Shift + Del key to delete the files

Third Step :

Open Internet Explorer

Click on Tools on right side of window and select Internet Options
Click on TOOLS from Menu bar on top and click on Internet Options
Under General TAB - Click on Delete button
Click on Delete Files button and click Yes for the message
Likewise Click on Delete Cookies, Delete History ( if you do not want the list of websites to be displayed when you type www and the website name in address bar ), Click on Delete forms
Click Close

  ( By doing this you will be able to get rid of any unwanted files and website data that is stored on your pc to make you access Internet much faster )

For Mozilla Firefox
Click on TOOLS
Click on Clear Recent History
Select Everything from RECENT TIME
Click Clear Now to clear the temporary files and folder

Fourth Step :

Click on START -> ALL PROGRAMS -> ACCESSORIES -> System Tools
Click on Disk Cleanup

It will display the Local C: drive
Click OK
Wait for sometime
It will analyze the unwanted data to be removed from your pc
Click on to Delete

To Make PC open faster after you login ( there is delay in accessing the PC after you login and see the desktop or till you are able to access your PC files )

Fifth Step :

Click on Start button
Click on Run or under START TYPE HERE type the command "msconfig" without quotes (")
Click OK
A Window will popup ( Microsoft Configuration )
Click on STARTUP tab
You will find list of programs with check mark on left side
uncheck any program listed which is related to Update or Software ( for ex. Adobe, Java, MSN, Yahoo, Google talk, etc )
UNCHECK these programs
( Do not uncheck any program you are not sure or is related to your PC like Wireless/router etc )
Click OK
You will get a message to Restart the PC - Click OK to Restart
You will observe change in speed the PC boots
Incase you find any trouble after you have unchecked, follow the same process to open MSCONFIG and put check mark back on the programs that gives you Error

Sixth Step :

If you still find your pc running slow after following all these steps, this is final step to make it work faster

Click on START -> ALL PROGRAMS -> ACCESSORIES -> System Tools
Click on Disk Defragmenter

You will find a Disk Defragmenter window open
click on Defragment and leave the PC idle till it completes the process

Defragmenter will check for any unwanted space created on the hard disk and stores the Files back to their original position in hard disk for quick access.
This is helpful when the PC takes lot of time to open a file or when it makes noise while accessing the hard drive to open/launch software/files

  Incase you find trouble to follow any instructions please consult ME.

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