Wednesday, January 27, 2010


It is a general consensus that a people deserve the type of leaders they have. It therefore beats my imagination, and I decided to ponder on the above statement. Is this really true for a country like Nigeria? The same Nigeria that boasts of such intellectual minds such as: Olaudah Equiano, Bobby Ologun, Kudirat Abiola, Gani Fawehinmi, Dele Giwa, Olikoye Ransome-Kuti, King Sunny Ade, Nnamdi Azikiwe, 2Face Idibia, Femi Oke, Chinua Achebe, Cyprian Ekwensi, M. K. O. Abiola, Tafawa Balewa, T.B. Joshua, Austin "Jay-Jay" Okocha, Segun Odegbami, Hakeem "The Dream" Olajuwon, Chioma Ajunwa, Agbani Darego, Philip Emeagwali, Francis Ohanyido, Obafemi Awolowo, to mention a few. A nation made up of people who have and still continue to conquer the world in different areas of life.

This thought provoking question was necessitated by the recent interview granted by Ojo Maduekwe, the foreign minister of Nigeria, a man that is supposed to portray the true spirit of Nigerians to the world. The minster attended a press conference where questions were directed at him for response. A journalist asked the minister a question, and the best the minister could do was try to intimidate the journalist with insults and abusive words. The journalist, who was from Sahara Reporters, asked a thought provoking question, albeit, with some venomous statements.

The journalist said: “My question is very direct, you were on BBC yesterday and you said, you had not spoken to President Yar’Adua for the 60 days that he has been gone. And yet you have been moving around the world claiming to be representing the President and his own interest whereas you have not had any mandate from that President in the past 60 days. So how can we trust that, you being someone who have acted on behalf of every Government - both legitimate and illegitimate, I know you supported Abacha, very strongly, that you are not just going around doing your own wish because Nigeria has no leadership at this point and as you have done consistently as you did under Abacha, that again you are doing this because this is what is convenient and the Nigerian people have been rendered powerless at this time and you just have done what you wish could be done because again the Nigerian country now has no President that could have even given you the power that you claim you have been emphasising.”
Responding to the question, the minister said:

“Your question is so insulting and so abusive and so disgraceful and does not even convene an educated mind and does not deserve an answer… You’re a miserable guy, you are miserable…if you don’t think I am competent, come home (to Nigeria) and take up something...”

It took the intervention of another journalist (a Briton), who reframed the question, before the Minister decided to give an answer to the question. Looking back at his response, I make bold to say that it is either the minister is not a Nigerian (if (and I believe so) Nigerians are intellectuals) and does not represent the people of Nigeria thanks to the response he presented, culminating with a conclusion that the people of Nigeria are dim-witted or the statement that the people deserve the type of leaders they have is false.

Below is the response to the question as spoken by the foreign minister, Ojo Maduekwe.
Note: My comments are in parenthesis.

“Well, let’s put it this way, under our constitution, ministers do not sit in the national assembly, so even if you are in the National assembly before and you are made a minister you resign (You would think he was trying to buy time with this so he could present a very credible and reasonable response to the question). We are appointed by the president but we are described as not minsters of the President but ministers of the federal republic and members of the federal executive council. Now that appointment again, the President has no choice on the number of ministers he would appoint. Because the constitution makes it mandatory from a state.” (What a pity, the man is still stranded…who will help him out?)

He concluded saying: “I am not committing any illegality by representing the federal government of Nigeria because I was appointed by the President who has not removed me from the cabinet; no illegality is being committed, no lack of legitimacy is in place, the constitution is very clear as to how we got appointed and that constitution protects me.” (Illegality? Worse than that I say. When you are yet to communicate with a person for more than 2months, yet you claim you are speaking on his behalf.)

It is very clear at this point in time that the people of Nigeria can no longer afford to allow people with shallow minds who do not have their interest at heart. Simple and clear!

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