Monday, July 29, 2013


Fact: Gareth will dorn the angelic white of Real Madrid.
How long i've known the fact above i cant say, that doesn't reduce it in any way whatsoever.

There is this unwritten rule in football that states that 'The very best players are destined to play for Real Madrid'. This makes me believe that a very large number of talented footballer ended their playing careers without fulfilling their 'destiny': playing for Real Madrid.
Michel Platini, Paolo Madini and Patrick Vieria are the first in line of such that readily comes to my mind when considering the very best of talents who retired without fulfilling this 'destiny'. Next in line? Respected footballing icons like Totti, Del Piero, Ronaldinho, Pirlo, Gerrard et al, who still play the game at the top but look set to miss out on this famed 'destiny'.

The point is this: There are two types of great and respected footballing talents; those who played for Real Madrid like Di Stefano, Puskas, Zidane, Figo et al and the likes of the afforementioned who didn't. The point is this: if you are a talented footballer, at one point or the other in your playing career you will be linked to Real Madrid.

Depending on where your loyalty lies, you may argue this fact. For those of us who are neutral, we get the point clearly.

The inherent transfer of Gareth Bale from Tottenham Hotspur to Real Madrid brings this 'Fact' back to the front burner of public discuss. Should Spurs sell? Must Spurs sell? Real Madrid? Why are they so ego.....(fill in the blanks to your taste)?

The latest news report that Madrid turned in a bid of about GBP 51 million including Angel Di Maria and Fabio Coentrao. I expect Spurs (Daniel Levy) to reject this very juicy and mouth watering offer down. Don't ask me why!

Lets have a summarised look at the important characters in this ongoing saga:
1. FIORENTINO PEREZ: Rich Dad. Avid Galactico collector. Mr. Break-the-bank-for-fun.
Motivation: He got Zidane, Figo, Ronaldo de Lima, Beckham, Cristiano, so somehow, Gareth Bale has to be some sort of jewel to the crown.

2. DANIEL LEVY: If there exist a word as Toughest-football-negotiator-alive-and-dead in the dictionary, you would most likely be reffered to this guy here.
Motivation: He has to live up to his reputation, come on guys, give it to him. Bale is also important to his team's aspiration to play in the champions league once again, so he will want to keep the young man.

3. JONATHAN BARNETT: Next time you read about Bale wanting to head out to Madrid, kindly replace Bale with Barnett in the publication. Highly respected by his peers and Gareth Bale himself. His opinion actually counts for a lot. I'm very certain his commission as the players agent counts for nothing in this transfer. Or, what do i know actually?
Motivation: Who wouldn't want their client rubbing shoulders with Cristiano Ronaldo? Not me actually.

4. GARETH BALE: Plenty of hype after his move from the Saints. Turns out it wasn't a flash in the pan afterall. Still has some ahead of him, but he's obviously hugely talented.
Motivation: Bigger pay, increased commercial endorsement, opportunity to fulfill his 'destiny'.

And then the Economics:
Real Madrid exploits the marketability of their prospective Galactico acquisition to their advantage by leveraging on the commercial edge of such player and the ability to recoup expended transfer fund in record time. Renowned for requesting for 50% of the players commercial right, this explains the rationale behind the Boards insitence on pursuing screaming transfer breaking money moves. Gareth Bale is a well thought out continuation on the tradition that brought in the likes of Zidane, Figo, Ronaldo x2, Kaka etc.

On the other divide, Spurs do not need to sell. They can buy without first having to sell. The deal to bring in Roberto Soldado from Valencia is as good as signed despite being reported to cost as much as 30 million. Just in case you are a proponent of the school of thought that implores Spurs to accept the offer and reinvest the funds to make the team bigger, look back and ask: how did the funds from the sale of Berbatov and Modric improve the team afterwards?

Q: How will Madrid play with Bale?
A: Not so much difference actually. Expect Bale to be a Cristiano Ronaldo on the right hand side of the team.

Q: Why include a very functional Di Maria who on a good day is as good as Bale?
A: Real got Isco into the squad already. Competition for places would have ben stiff for Di Maria afterall. Bale is 24 while Di Maria is 25. The disparity in their performance index will favour Bale confidently. Also, one has a poor injury record compared to the other. In which case, kindly revert to the economic advantages of having Bale as against Di Maria.

Q: How about the inclusion of Coentrao?
A: Well, Madrid got Daniel Carvajal back from Leverkusen. They also secured Denis Cheryshev, a B team player who has since ben deployed as a right back, on a long contract. Alvaro Arbeloa has always been known to be able to play on the left of defence. So he can cover for Marcelo there.

Q: How will a Bale-less Spurs fare?
A: Honestly, i don't have that answer. I sure know a Spurs with Bale will not win the league at the end of the season. Best would always be a top four finish to play in the champions league.

Unfortunately for the discerning lover of the game of football, the success of the game is becoming directly proportional to the financial clout of the participating teams. You win when you have a big purse. Chill, don't get angered, just get this right:

In the world of modern football, you may attain success with huge financial support, but your chances of sustaining same depends on your financial strenght.
Manchester City won the league and FA cups after the injection of cash from the Emirate. PSG won the league and continue to wax stronger in the champions league after some cash from the Emirates. Chelsea? Abramovic. Manchester United? Barcelona? Real Madrid? Bayern Munich? Juventus? A very solid business model that generates huge profit for these teams continues to make them big forces in the game. How about Dortmund? ( I was actually expecting that) This is what i say to that question: 1. Dortmund went broke and got back thanks to injected cash from the fans. 2. They built a solid financial model that spent very little for growing talents like Sahin, Goetze, Hummels, Kagawa, Lewandowski which got them to a point where they got to the finals of the champions league after winning the German league. 3. What did they do after that? Spend the profit, to sustain the success. Tell me, how much the team has spent so far in the transfer market? Give that cash to Everton for example and see the progress.

Basically, its the world of business where goat eats goat. You still think Real Madrid is trying to use its might on Spurs? Where did Spurs get Bale from? Its the business of buying.

Levy, Bale out and sell the Bale so the dice can roll on!